Fundamentals of D3 visualisations

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series D3 basics

D3.js is a popular SVG based data visualization library and there are many reasons for its popularity. D3.js provides foundations and components for creating data visualizations instead of providing some already built charts. Another big reason of D3.js popularity is that it don’t use a new technology but rely on existing web standards. HTML CSS … Read more

Should I use D3 for creating charts and graphs?

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series D3 basics

What is D3 ? D3.js is an open source Javascript library intended for data visualization purpose. “D3” stands for Data Driven Documents. It can also be used for creating and manipulating SVG files.  And different charts or graphs can also be plotted using D3 easily. How D3 is different? D3 is not similar to other … Read more

Configuring and using Laravel with MongoDB

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series MongoDB

In this article we will see how to use MongoDB with Laravel (PHP framework). So first we need to install MongoDB and Laravel. Laravel and MongoDB installation: We will install Laravel and MongoDB one by one and I assume that you have PHP already installed with a web server. Laravel Installation: I assume LAMP environment … Read more

Installing MongoDB driver for PHP on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions

Mongo is official MongoDB driver for PHP. Here is detail of this driver on . Mongo include MongoClient class which is required to connect MongoDB and required by several packages that bridge between MongoDB and PHP. MongoClient works on almost all of Operating Systems including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, and Linux; little- and big-endian … Read more

Installing MongoDB driver for PHP on Windows

  MongoClient class is included in “Mongo” that is official MongoDB driver for PHP. MongoClient class is required to connect MongoDB and required by several packages that bridge between MongoDB and PHP. Here is detail of this driver on Mongo works on almost all of Operating Systems including Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, and Linux; … Read more

Technical checklist: How to start coding new project

Even a fresh graduate out of university or a college student can do programming. They can create websites, mobile applications, and much more stuff. But inexperience person with quick start of a project without considering important aspects can result in a lot of problems. In fact, seasoned programmers who don’t consider important factors before starting … Read more

API Testing: Installing and Using Codeception

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series API Testing

In this post, we will have a look on how we can use Codeception for API testing. First we need to install codeception. Installation: Here is Codeception’s quick start guide that show multiple ways to install codeception. Here we will be installing through Composer, you can follow any other method as you like. First go … Read more

Installing Laravel on Windows

I wrote an article on Installing LAMP environment on ubuntu cloud instance that somebody found helpful and he requested me to write for Laravel installation and configuration for Windows development machine. So here is step by step guide. XAMPP: I assume you have XAMPP or equivalent installed and running. If not then download it from … Read more

API Testing: Selecting Testing Framework ( PHP Unit vs Codeception vs Behat )

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series API Testing

In previous article of this series, we discussed that why you should use automated testing, specially if you are writing APIs.  So now it is time for selecting right tools for doing our API testing. Available Testing Framework: As there are application development frameworks to make your life easy, there are also many different testing … Read more

API Testing : Why to write Test Cases and use Automated Testing Tools?

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series API Testing

Why to write Test Cases and use Automated Testing Tools? Books written by some leading programmers often told us the importance of TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD(Behaviour Driven Development) or they emphasize on at least writing Test Cases and doing Automated Testing. So why many programmers don’t write tests? Is that all not practical … Read more