Organizing Your React application

This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series First React Application

In Part 1 of the two-part series by Carlos Santana Roldan, you learned how to create your React component. Now, in this Part 2 of the series, you’ll learn how to organize your React application. The author of the article, Carlos Santana Roldan, is the founder of Codejobs and a React Technical Lead at Disney … Read more

Creating a react component

Creating a React Component Learn about React Pure Components and how to organize them in this two-part series by Carlos Santana Roldan, the founder of Codejobs and a React Technical Lead at Disney ABC Television Group. React is a JavaScript library (MIT License) made by Facebook to create interactive UIs. It’s used to create dynamic … Read more

PHP 7’s Performance Boosts :More Possible Optimizations

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series PHP 7's Performance Boosts

In part 1 of the series by Andrew Caya, you learned how to harness PHP 7’s performance boosts using some of its key optimizations, including strict typing, immutable and packed arrays, and memory allocation. In part 2 of the series, you will identify more such possible optimizations. Identifying more possible optimizations When optimizing an application, … Read more

Harness PHP 7’s Performance Boosts: Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series PHP 7's Performance Boosts

Learn how to harness PHP 7’s performance boosts using some of its key optimizations in this two-part series by Andrew Caya, the creator of Linux for PHP, the lead developer of a popular Joomla extension, and a contributor to many open source projects. PHP 7 optimizations PHP 7 is a major optimization in itself. A … Read more

Good resources for learning Javascript

JavaScript is a widely used, amazing and misunderstood language by many developers. Its different concepts make it difficult for programmers coming from other languages. Here I am not going to explain different concepts but telling different resources learn JS (JavaScript). Knowing basics of JS in browser (For Beginners): If you are just a starter, who … Read more

Fix Uncaught ReflectionException: Class log does not exist …/laravel/framework/…

I again got this error which left me no clue of what happened wrong and how can I fix it. PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class log does not exist in …/vendo/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:741 I tried to find solution on google for a while and came to know that this don’t tell what acually went wrong. There … Read more

Installing MongoDB Driver (with MongoDB extension) on Ubuntu and other Linux distro.

Previously “Mongo” was the extension used for MongoDB (Legacy) driver for PHP. Now that is depreciated. Now “MongoDB” Pecl extension is used instead of  “Mongo” Pecl extension. And MongoDB Driver is PHP’s official driver for MongoDB. Here is detail of this driver on . It supports PHP as well as HHVM. To have this MongoDB … Read more